Data on this report is based on areas within the legal city boundary, outlined in black on the map. Any additional neighborhoods shown on the map are associated with the city by name and are included for reference only.

Midland, MI
Real Estate & Demographic Data

Midland profile

Living in Midland

Midland is a medium-sized city located in the state of Michigan. With a population of 42,512 people and 16 associated neighborhoods, Midland is the 36th largest community in Michigan.

Because Midland has a very large number of students who are 18 years or older and in college, it is thought of as a college town. This has a major influence on local Midland lifestyle, entertainment, and culture in general. Life in Midland is very much tied to the academic calendar: when students return from the summer break in the fall, one will notice them out and about, buying groceries, out with friends, and generally getting re-acquainted with each other. In Midland people study hard and play hard, and there is ample opportunity to do both.

One of the benefits of Midland is that there is very little traffic. The average commute to work is 7.50 minutes, which is substantially less than the national average. Not only does this mean that the drive to work is less aggravating, but noise and pollution levels are lower as a result.

"If you live in Midland, you are going to have to drive to get to work," say area residents. At least that is what most Midland residents do (100.00%). Midland is primarily built for cars, and driving around town will bare this out. Shopping centers, parking lots, strip malls, and wide streets are what you'll find. Sidewalks? Sure. But not everywhere, and walking to most places can be downright scary.

Even though Midland is not a small city, it doesn't have a public transportation system that anybody uses for their daily commute to work.

In terms of college education, Midland ranks among the least educated cities in the nation, as only 0.00% of people over 25 have a bachelor's degree or advanced degree.

The people who call Midland home describe themselves as belonging to a variety of racial and ethnic groups. The greatest number of Midland residents report their race to be White. Important ancestries of people in Midland include German, Polish, French Canadian, Yugoslavian, and Other West Indian.

The most common language spoken in Midland is English. Other important languages spoken here include Polish and Italian.